Collection: Collection I: Three of Cups

**Introducing Van Kappell’s First Collection: The Three of Cups**

Our inaugural collection, **The Three of Cups**, is a tribute to the beauty of shared experience—those moments of connection that leave a lasting imprint on our hearts. At its core, this collection is about celebration: of relationships, of meaningful rituals, and of the quiet spaces where we come to recognize ourselves more fully. Inspired by the timeless message of the Tarot’s Three of Cups, this collection invites you to pause and honor the milestones that shape your journey, while holding space for the deeper emotions that connect us all.

Each curated piece in this collection represents a thread in the fabric of human experience—a vessel for light, for memory, for ritual. The vintage candelabras and vases we’ve selected serve as touchstones for creating moments of presence, reminders that beauty and intention can exist in the smallest of acts. Whether you’re setting a table for an intimate gathering or arranging candles to mark the passing of the seasons, the objects in **The Three of Cups** Collection are designed to invite both reflection and celebration.

But this collection also speaks to the deeper meaning of coming together—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As we move through life’s changes, it’s these moments of communion, where we gather to share our stories and our light, that sustain us. The symbolism of the Three of Cups is more than just joy—it’s resilience, support, and the power found in collective energy. In times of transition, it is our shared rituals that anchor us, providing a place to heal, to honor the past, and to set new intentions.

What makes this collection unique is how it bridges the sacred with the everyday. These are not just decorative pieces; they are objects of presence, meant to be used, lived with, and loved. From a candleholder that transforms a dinner into a sacred space, to a vase that holds flowers symbolizing new beginnings, each piece in **The Three of Cups** carries the intention of mindfulness and connection.

As we prepare for the launch of this collection, we invite you to reflect on your own rituals—those moments where the world falls away, and you are left in the stillness of intention. This collection is for those who seek meaning in the everyday, who honor the cycles of life, and who understand that true beauty is found in the spaces we share with others. It’s about coming together, and in that, finding ourselves.

Welcome to Van Kappell’s **Three of Cups Collection**—where light, love, and the power of shared experience come together to illuminate the path forward.

**Launch Date:** October 11th

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